Learn Desktop and Web Programming: Understanding, a brief history, and development of the PHP Programming Language

Kamis, 22 Desember 2011

Understanding, a brief history, and development of the PHP Programming Language

before we enter further discussion about php, it helps us know the definition and brief history of php. more established measures that we learn the PHP programming language.
understanding About PHP:PHP or Hypertext Preprocessor is an abbreviation of one of the programming language suitable open sorce or devoted to web developers dandapat cultivate in a script in HTML.programming languages ​​like C, Java, and Perl as well as easy to learn.
PHP was created to facilitate web developers to write dynamic web pages quickly, even more than that we can explore things that are amazing with PHP, PHP thus very suitable for beginners, intermediate and even expert though.
A Brief History
beginning PHP is short for "personal home page" which was made in 1995 by Rasmus ledorf. that time his name is still interpreted form. PHP maker in the next release source code to the public (open source) so that programmers interested in developing PHP.
finally in November 1997 in Release PHP 2.0 on this version of the PHP interpreter is implemented in C, and has included additional modules or in PHP is often referred to as ekstensi.pada 1997 also contributed to a company called Zend, which the PHP interpreter to be rewritten be clean, fast, and better. and finally in mid-1998, released Zend PHP 3.0 with the replacement of an abbreviation of the personal home page into hypertext preprocessor.

on the subsequent development of the Zend continues to play an important role in the development of PHP, in mid-1999, PHP 4.0 was released on this version and more people began flocking to use PHP for its ability to build complex web applications, but still has the speed and stability.
along with the times, many programming languages ​​began to implement a model of OOP (Object Oriented Programming), did not want to miss the PHP version 5.0
released in mid-2004 with new capabilities that object-oriented programming.

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